Saturday, February 20, 2010

How Long Does It Take Viroptic Eye Drops To Work Viroptic- How Long Does It Take For An Ocular Herpes Infection To Go Away Using Viroptic?

Viroptic- How long does it take for an ocular herpes infection to go away using viroptic? - how long does it take viroptic eye drops to work

I have the drops for 3 days now, a drop in each eye every two hours, which recommended the doctor, but the itching and redness, does not disappear. Is it something else, and why not work tha'ts drops or give me enough time?

1 comment:

  1. You should ask your doctor as soon as possible. Ocular herpes is serious and can scar the cornea, which lead to blindness. If you do not see the progress of Viroptic, you may need another antiviral such as acyclovir. Or you could have a secondary bacterial infection that needs antibiotics. If your doctor is not available, go much care. Make sure you know the triage nurse that you have ocular herpes and not just pink eye.
    Do not use Visine. If you need a little comfort, place a towel soaked in cold or warm water (feels better) on the eyes. Sunglasses outdoors. And go to the doctor!
