Thursday, February 4, 2010

Spots On Dogs Back How Can I Get Rid Of My Dogs Heat Spots Without Going To The Vet?

How can i get rid of my dogs heat spots without going to the vet? - spots on dogs back

Yes, my dog did not mean "hot spots" and my evil step-mother to take him to a vet, says my neighbor, he has to weigh and I was wondering whether there's a way to get rid of them, at home?


  1. ARE YOUR NEWFS GELLIN'February 4, 2010 at 5:52 PM

    They are the "hot spots, shave the hair around them, wash with a mild soap or bath dog spray bonding with gold dust.
    Maybe you want to use a medicine against fleas, lice, because often the problem !!!!!!!

  2. Benzyl use. and if in his neck removed, the neck or something that might irritate more. If not - Vet

  3. N Take your dog to the vet!

  4. N Take your dog to the vet!
